
Wrong Bike

I chose the wrong bike for my commute this morning. The forecast said, "No Rain," but I neglected to actually look around outside. I opened my garage door, hopped on the fender less Cross Check and hit the road. After just a few minutes I realized I had made a bad choice. Although no rain was in the forecast, they were soaked from the last several hours of rain.

This weekend, there were threats of snow but no actual snow. That means the roads were covered in salt and chemicals and all that was being flung up on my shiny road bike.

This is the gross stuff that destroys a drive train. I wiped the bike down when I got to work and it was cruddy. There was a lot of crap all over it. One ride makes a huge mess. I seriously can't remember why I took the fenders off the Cross Check. I know exactly where they are hanging in my garage. I just need to put them on. Today was a good reminder.

Get out there.


  1. I have made that mistake before. A lot of the time now, I commute on my folding bike - that way, if I "miss" a weather report and it starts dumping on me on the way home, I can just get to the closest bus shelter and wait there. It's nice being able to just fold the bike and take it on the bus when I don't feel like riding.

  2. @ Chris - I've often thought about a folder, too. We don't have any public transit. But I would love to keep it in the back of my car to take advantage of last minute opportunities!
