
Two Places

Other than a gas station, there are only two places of business on my entire commute.

Here's the first. It's a vet clinic in the middle of nowhere. The road/path I ride used to be one to the most used roads in the area. Recently, they've moved that road about a quarter of a mile over, leaving this vet abandoned in an unseen land. And I doubt they're fond of me riding by everyday. It makes the dogs go wild.

The other place of business I pass is a golf course. I'm not really into golf. And by that, I mean I've never held a golf club in my hand. (That's not entirely true. One time I played a golfer at a murder mystery party.) But there's guys out there every morning in their pleated pants swinging away.

I was thinking about these two lone businesses this morning and realized how much my commute is literally on the outskirts of town. There's very little to see other than green grass and blue sky. That's quite different than most bike commutes out there. It does mean that my commute is probably longer than a more urban scenario (11 miles one way). But that doesn't bother me at all. The more time on the bike, the better.

Get out there.

1 comment:

  1. I've commuted to school a couple of times (from right off of Nicholasville Rd.) and it was only a few miles. I would trade for your 11 miler any day of the week.
