

As you've probably noticed on this blog, my commute is way out in the country. I don't spend much time sharing the road with anyone but farm trucks. Well, yesterday a coworker and I had planned to explore an area that we have a lot of interested in. The place I work is currently in negotiation to buy some property on the other side of town. As of now, we are somewhere on the line of rural and city. The new property would put us right on Main Street.

Since we're looking into making a huge effort in a new area, I thought exploration was needed. And since exploration is best done a low speeds, a bike was the sensible way to do it. It was fun to get out and see all the potential with this property. Slowly passing by all the culture of the area helps me to better understand how we'll support it.

This is one of the two medical clinics we opened up. This is the Lexington location that gives free healthcare to people without insurance that are under the federal poverty line in the area. In one year of operation, this clinic gives $950,000 of free healthcare. Think about that. That's money that doesn't have to come from government or people's pockets. It's awesome to be a part of something that cool.

From the possible new location, we can easily get to the heart of Lexington in just a few short minutes. It will be a huge opportunity to reach a whole different group of people. It was a great hour out on the bikes and will help us to really see what we're getting into. I'll look forward to more exploration as the journey continues.

Get out there.

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